
In unserem Newsportal finden Sie Neuigkeiten und Informationen rund um unser Unternehmen, unsere Produkte und neue Technologien. Informieren Sie sich gleich und staunen Sie über das aktuelle Geschehen beim größten Verarbeiter von Flüssig-Silikon weltweit.

In our news portal you will find news and information about our company, our products and new technologies. Find out more and be amazed at what is happening at the world's largest processor of liquid silicone.

Focused lighting with highly transparent silicone

Injection moulding specialist and light designer cooperate to develop innovative components for LED lights

Conversion to electromobility and expansion of the charging infrastructure

A major part of our company fleet has been converted to electric vehicles in recent years. We have installed new charging stations at our main location in Marchtrenk to support this transformation.

High-precision 2-component silicone part in micro format

A team of experts from starlim extends an invitation to the Wittmann Battenfeld trade fair stand

More fresh air and energy efficiency in production

Targeted alteration of air duct routing means that even more fresh air is conveyed into our production facilities. Specially created air outlets prevent draughts, thus improving the indoor climate considerably.

Silicone component provides ice-cold enjoyment

Liquid silicone specialist starlim exploits material advantages for individual customer projects

Well on the way to additive silicone manufacturing

sterner expands its know-how advantage for silicone products

Digital printing transforms silicone components into design products

Silcos employs a successfully patented process to achieve full-colour design surfaces using digital printing

High-end elastomers for functional applications in BTMS

Poly-Nova offers one-stop shopping for 2K functional parts made of solid silicone rubbers


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