
In unserem Newsportal finden Sie Neuigkeiten und Informationen rund um unser Unternehmen, unsere Produkte und neue Technologien. Informieren Sie sich gleich und staunen Sie über das aktuelle Geschehen beim größten Verarbeiter von Flüssig-Silikon weltweit.

In our news portal you will find news and information about our company, our products and new technologies. Find out more and be amazed at what is happening at the world's largest processor of liquid silicone.

Part of the “Industrial Leaders” energy revolution project

starlim and sterner are proud to be part of the significant “Industrial Leaders” energy revolution project. Initiated by Energiesparverband Oberösterreich, the regional energy agency of Upper Austria, this project aims to support and promote efforts in industry to achieve decarbonisation, meaning the reduction of carbon consumption.

Sample Plate 2.0

New design with invisible added value – a fascinating hologram, a friction-reducing sliding structure at the corners and wood scent.

starlim at CHINAPLAS 2023

The 35th China International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition was held in Shenzhen from April 17 to 20, 2023. starlim was there.


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