
In unserem Newsportal finden Sie Neuigkeiten und Informationen rund um unser Unternehmen, unsere Produkte und neue Technologien. Informieren Sie sich gleich und staunen Sie über das aktuelle Geschehen beim größten Verarbeiter von Flüssig-Silikon weltweit.

In our news portal you will find news and information about our company, our products and new technologies. Find out more and be amazed at what is happening at the world's largest processor of liquid silicone.

The power of the Sun: Sustainable energy generation at starlim and sterner

As part of our ongoing commitment to sustainability, starlim and sterner are increasingly focusing on renewable energies. An important part of this strategy is the use of photovoltaic systems (PV systems) at our sites in Marchtrenk, Weißkirchen and Lambach.

Optimum room temperature for efficiency and comfort

A central component of our sustainability strategy is the intelligent control of our indoor air conditioning, this being designed to minimise energy consumption and, simultaneously, to ensure a pleasant working atmosphere.

A focus on sustainability: Construction of our new production plant in Nantong, China

Construction of our new production plant in Nantong, China is continuing to plan and extremely successful.

Part of the “Industrial Leaders” energy revolution project

starlim and sterner are proud to be part of the significant “Industrial Leaders” energy revolution project. Initiated by Energiesparverband Oberösterreich, the regional energy agency of Upper Austria, this project aims to support and promote efforts in industry to achieve decarbonisation, meaning the reduction of carbon consumption.

Conversion to electromobility and expansion of the charging infrastructure

A major part of our company fleet has been converted to electric vehicles in recent years. We have installed new charging stations at our main location in Marchtrenk to support this transformation.

More fresh air and energy efficiency in production

Targeted alteration of air duct routing means that even more fresh air is conveyed into our production facilities. Specially created air outlets prevent draughts, thus improving the indoor climate considerably.

Pioneering InduGrid project

starlim and sterner are part of InduGrid, a project from the NEFI innovation network which regards an energy exchange between companies as the next step towards the conservation of energy resources and the reduction of CO².

Druckluftzentrale von starlim und sterner

Optimised exploitation of compressed air

An ultramodern central compressed air plant has been commissioned at the main location in Marchtrenk. All components of the old plant were gradually replaced by innovative and energy-efficient equipment during the course of this project.

Energy efficiency through LED conversion

In the context of our comprehensive sustainability strategy, we implemented extensive LED retrofitting in 2021 in all our production facilities, converting existing lamps completely to modern LED technology while, simultaneously, setting a new standard for extensions and new structures.

Heat pump project: A milestone in decarbonisation

In the context of our commitment to sustainability and the reduction of CO₂ emissions, we replaced the existing oil heating on our premises in Marchtrenk through a state-of-the-art heat pump system.


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