Apprentice information day 2018
Big rush at the starlim-sterner apprentice information day
Almost 200 visitors informed themselves about the apprenticeships of the future at the starlim-sterner apprentice information day last Friday in Marchtrenk. For years, the event has been very popular and the rising visitor numbers show that the interest in apprenticeships is growing steadily.
On Friday, October 19th 2018, the annual apprentice info day took place at the toolmaker and silicone injection molder starlim-sterner. This year, for the first time, six different apprenticeship professions were presented. In addition to the previously offered professions toolmaker, mechatronic, metal technician and designer, there will also be apprenticeships for IT computer scientists and IT technicians from 2019 onwards. At starlim-sterner it is also possible to pass the “Lehre mit Matura” or the KTLA (Lehre mit HTL-Matura).
In addition, exciting company tours were offered, which caused numerous WOW effects. On-site interested young people were also able to arrange an introductory date for the job of their choice.
Good career opportunities also as an apprentice
At starlim-sterner, apprentices also have a good chance to become team leaders or managers. With an excellent education and the associated special knowledge in silicone injection molding, 100% of the apprentices can work at the company after their apprenticeship. With lots of diligence, ambition and a great willingness to learn, the young boys and girls can reach their targets.
The youth in focus
“Being able to educate the specialists of the future ourselves is a major advantage for us. All the more we would like to support our apprentices in a very good way. In addition to technical competence, we also teach social skills and reward good performances with rewards. Therefore, we offer a variety of seminars and trainings, “says training director Reinhard Koch.
Apply now!
Applications for 2019 are already accepted – so do not hesitate and apply immediately!