Apprentice Information Day 2019
More than 200 visitors seized the opportunity to receive insight into the brand-new sterner Training Center in Wels and to inform themselves about the different kinds of apprenticeship and training opportunities.
The 2019 apprentice info-day took place on Friday, November 8th. For many years a legion of young people have joined in this event, this year’s info day opened up the opportunity to celebrate the inauguration of our recently opened sterner Training Center during the info-day. The apprentices themselves proudly presented their new training shop floor and provided information on the various kinds of apprenticeship offered by sterner: In addition to the well-known Metal Technology with the focus module Tool Technology, today also the focus modules Mechanical Engineering and Machining Technology are offered. Other possibilities at sterner are Tool Design with the focus module Tool Technology, Mechatonics with Manufacturing Technology as well as Plastics Processing. Additionally, there are also young people being sought for the IT apprenticeships Application Development – Coding and Information Technology – Systems. Finally, sterner also provides the possibility to pass apprenticeship with high school final exams (Matura) as well as KTLA (apprenticeship with HTL final exams).
From teenagers to teenagers
Visitors were not only able to explore the new 4,000 m² Training Center but also had the opportunity to attend different operations themselves: Whether thermoforming a plastic bowl, turning a curling iron or making key rings, the sterner apprentices have shown the participants the individual processing steps and answered all questions about apprenticeship at sterner.
Trainees in the focus
Sterner shapes its future and many skilled workers have been trained for over 40 years. Apprentices receive hands on skills as well as know-how and become specialists in their field of work. More than 100 young people are currently completing their apprenticeship at Sterner Werkzeugbau GmbH and everyone is welcome to stay at the company after completion of his or her training. A character equipped with diligence, ambition and a great willingness to learn can work his or her way up to team leader and even beyond.
Applications for 2020 are already being accepted – so don’t hesitate, apply immediately or arrange an introductory Appointment!