Long Night of Research
“We are delighted,” says the organizer Sonja Kirner about the success of the Long Night of Research. Nobody had reckoned with such a stampede of visitors at starlim-sterner. 745 people took up the invitation to visit the tool making and silicone injection molding company in Marchtrenk during the Long Night of Research, which it was taking part in for the third time. The entrance was already besieged before the official opening. “Our first visitor was already standing on our doorstep at 2.00 p.m., but we had to unfortunately send them home again.”
Interactive stations and wow effects
There was plenty to see and lots to try out on this evening, especially for children. For example, you could look into a Kinder Surprise egg using a computer tomography system. With this, starlim-sterner wanted to playfully show how it screens its silicone parts and researches what is in them without having to dissect them. Then silicone was pumped and it was established that sometimes it can be really exhausting, especially when the material’s hardness grade is very high. Visitors were also amazed by the presentation of a car cable tree where you could see that countless small seals are hidden in a car that you don’t even see. To pass the time before the guided tour, the trainers and apprentices provided plenty of fun for children at various hands-on stations.
starlim-sterner was well prepared for the stampede of visitors. For example, two different rounds with various research stations were offered for the first time this year. Naturally anyone who was interested could complete both rounds – many visitors also used this opportunity.
You can take a look at all the photos and videos at www.starlim-sterner.com/en/media/pictures-corporate-logos/events/events-detail/article/lange-nacht-der-forschung/!