
In unserem Newsportal finden Sie Neuigkeiten und Informationen rund um unser Unternehmen, unsere Produkte und neue Technologien. Informieren Sie sich gleich und staunen Sie über das aktuelle Geschehen beim größten Verarbeiter von Flüssig-Silikon weltweit.

In our news portal you will find news and information about our company, our products and new technologies. Find out more and be amazed at what is happening at the world's largest processor of liquid silicone.

SNA Expansion

starlim North America is growing

Doubling 2.5 times

Despite the fact that the area ratio in Canada may be a bit different than in Austria – in terms of surface area, Canada is 119 times bigger than Austria – this expansion is also a big deal for Canada.

Logistik Foerdertechnik und Flaechen fuer Produktionsprozesse werden erweitert

Expanding across two continents

Investments are accelerated

The world needs silicon components. And around 14 billion of them – and counting – are produced by the starlim-sterner group every year.


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